Thursday 29 November 2012

Menzies Research Building by Lyons

The building is accessed by a formal bow corner of the street leading to the glazed atrium.
Menzies Institute hosts a wide range of laboratory facilities, accommodation and medical.

Vlock Building Project

In recent times, led partnerships with Habitat for Humanity and Home Inc. and housing district, and common ground at the time, to focus on affordable housing. Houses allow students the experience of working with the client and the opportunity to respond to the challenges of affordable housing and fill in urban areas. The students showed great enthusiasm for these projects, with a focus on community development and improve the neighborhood. Many of them come to school with a desire to include that work socially responsible in their future professional life. And having the opportunity to participate in the design and construction of building projects like this often increases the conviction and inspiration to do so.

Monday 5 November 2012

Building Blogs Advertisers Love 2012

Many times we tend to build a blog with "Content is everything" concept in mind. I'm here to tell you, writing is not enough. And make money not be published. Yes, it is an important part of the puzzle, and should not be underestimated ... Because this is the whole reason I blog - but just because you build it does not mean "they will come.